Thursday, March 15, 2007

why blog

A good friend of mine asked me why I have a blog, and I answered, "blogging is all the rage right now." "But why do you have one", she asked. I thought for a I minute, and the first thing I thought of is …external validation. Having been a performing musician off and on for the past 30 years, I know all about external validation. But more about that later.

Back to the primary existential question…If a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound? If we are sitting alone in our room, do we exist? If we write in our journals, is it for us alone or for that amorphous witness out there?

My girlfriend is a pagan blogger, and she is part of a world-wide network of pagan bloggers. Communities are formed and kept alive through blogging. Is it about mirroring ourselves through other people's stories?

I just left a band that I have been in for over a year. There were a lot of reasons why, but primarily I just realized that I would rather be doing other things on Sunday and Monday nites. I used to get so mad at a friend of mine who thought that everything boiled down to "do the positives out-weigh the negatives"? How simplistic can you be?

But over the years, I have come to realize that it just may sometimes be true. I have stayed in bands I really wanted to leave because I needed the external validation. I guess I really have grown up, because having Sunday dinner with my girlfriend, her son, and any number of wild and wonderful friends is really more fulfilling. There will be more bands in my future, but a son is only 15 once.


deborahoak said...

i think you are great. how's that for external validation?

judy g said...

that's what i'm talkin' about!

deborahoak said...

better put your picture up too.

Reya Mellicker said...

I blog for many reasons. Since you asked ...

Blogging is creating a contemporary social history of the first decade of this new millenium. In language plain and fancy, bloggers are recording the minutae of the way we live in this culture right now. that's exciting.I believe it's a form similar to the salons that occurred in the past.

Blogging is a citizen media, much more immediate and not censored or edited like mainstream media. Want to find out what's going on? Check the blogs first.

Blogging links people who would never have known about each other any other way. One of my clients who works for the State Dept. believes that the next generation will have far less problems negotiating peaceful solutions because all of us are reading each other's blogs. I have blog friends in Australia, the U.K., even South Africa, with whom I would never have become acquainted.

Blogging is juicy!