Sunday, May 20, 2007

more pics (see post below)

That's me driving that horse!

Quite a lot of bouncing up and down, since I don't really know how to post. It's a lot harder on the knees than and I thought, and that bra my girlfriend has been teasing me to wear would not have been a bad idea today. Another butch fashion dilemma...what to wear horseback riding.


Reya Mellicker said...

Love the pics!!

I'm impressed that you're brave enough not only to ride horses, but to take pics while riding. They're such beautiful animals, so full of electricity I always think I'm going to get a shock when I touch one. I admire the Capitol Park Police horses - one of them is even named Poppy which I think is pretty funny, but get on one of them and ride?? Not me!

Anonymous said...

Ouch--riding a horse without a bra! Armstrong Woods State Park in g'ville has a herd of horses you can rent for rides through the redwoods, out to the ridges, and so on. I highly recommend them--they're great animals. Haven't yet ridden one on the beach, but I'm really looking forward to it.

Feral Cat Protection Agency said...

work out tops with a bra sewn in--some are real comfy at T shirts, I just buy em a size larger so they aren't too tight.

pretty pics... really nice.